How To Auto Assign Roles In Discord MEE6

Roles in Discord are like special privileges to the member. Members with specific roles have the ability to perform certain tasks and activity in the server. Assigning roles are very important in Discord to manage the server efficiently. But if your server is large and have hundreds and thousands of member, it will be very tough to assign roles to member manually.

But with the help of bots like MEE6, you can auto assign roles to the member. MEE6 is a multi-purpose Discord bot, which you can use to automated various tasks within Discord server, managing and assigning roles in one of them, in this post, we will tell you how you can use MEE6 to auto assign roles in Discord.

Auto Assign Roles In Discord Using MEE6

Before we start configuring MEE6 to auto assign role in Discord, you need to create a new role that you want to give to the user. To do so you can go to Server Settings>>Roles>>Create Role. Here enter all the details regarding new role and give the permissions. Once you create the new role, you can follow below mentioned steps to auto assign roles in Discord using MEE6.

mee6 add to discord
  • Now a new window will pup-up thatwill be redirect to Discord, Login if you haven’t already
  • Check what permission does it want, read and check mark all the permissions
  • Click on “Authorize” button
authorize mee6 discord
  • Now select the server, click on “Continue” button and then on “Authorize” button
select server on mee6
  • On the MEE6 website, click on “Welcome and Goodbye” from the left side bar
  • Toggle on “Give a role to new users”
  • Now scroll a bit and click on “+” under “Roles to give”
  • Select the role that you want to give
  • Click on “Save” button.
mee6 auto assign roles

Now whenever a new user will join your server/channel will be auto assigned a role that you have selected.

Final Words

That’s it for this post. Now you can set up MEE6 bot to auto assign role to the new member. This will help you in managing the server efficiency. Hope you find the post helpful.

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