How To Add Someone On Discord | Complete Details

You can connect with people over Discord and can communicate with them in an exciting and fun way. Discord allows you to add someone to your server, so you can connect with them easily.

In this post, we will discuss how you can add someone on Discord so that you can communicate with them.

Add someone using the Discord tag

You can easily add someone using their Discord tag, and what is a Discord tag? The discord tag combines your username and a 4-digit random number you get while creating your account. If you have someone’s Discord tag, you can follow these steps to add them to Discord-

  • Open up the Discord app on your mobile.
  • Click on the waving human-like icon given in the bottom toolbar.
add friend in discord mobile
  • Now you will be directed to your friend page, where you can manage your friend list.
  • Click on the “Add Friend” button.
  • Now enter the Discord tag(Username + 4-digit number)
  • Click on the “Send Friend Request” button.
send friend request in discord mobile

If you are using the desktop version, you will find the “Friend” tab on the “Homepage” of Discord. There you can go to the “Add Friend” option.

add friend in discord button

Scan to add someone on Discord

Met someone outside at an event or party? You can add them without a Discord tag by using the “Nearby Scan” feature. By using this feature, you can add someone within a 30-foot radius after enabling WiFi or Bluetooth.

  • Go to the friend list on your Discord server.
  • Click on the “Add Friend” button.
  • Click on “Nearby Scan,” and grant the necessary permissions.
nearby scan add people in discord
  • Follow the same steps on both devices(Your’s and the person you want to add)
  • When the username appears, send the request. If the other person is sending a request, accept it. One has to send, and one has to accept the request.

This is how you can add someone on Discord. You can also add someone if you are in the same group or server. Just go to the group or server, type the name in the search bar, and you will get the result.

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